
Shirley Park Golf Club

Boxing Day Scramble

Monday 26th December 2022
Shirley Park Golf Course, Tees - Blue (Men), Red (Ladies)
Texas Scramble
H'cap Allowance: 25%/20%/15%/10% from lowest to highest playing handicap

Texas Scramble - teams of 4

Prizes on the Day

House Guests are welcome. Minimum of one Golfing Member per group.

Payment will be taken manually from each players bar card. If a non member is playing please can the member inviting pay for their guests in advance. 

Boxing Day Scramble

Monday 26th December 2022, Blue & Red Tees, Shirley Park Golf Course

(25%/20%/15%/10% from lowest to highest playing handicap)

View Statistics for this Competition

Results Score 
1stKeith Dawes, Ismail Demir, Martin Hughes, Jeffrey Kirby-Walker48 
2ndAlex Baxter-Brand, Nicolas Baxter-Brand, Junior Kehinde, Henry Kerr53 
3rdTerry Chard, David Clisby, Peter Manley, Steve Tomlinson54 
4thFidelis D'Mello, Bharat Patel, Bipin P Patel, Jayant Patel56 
5thImo Etuk, Andy Grant, Thomas Martin, Conrad Peters56 
6thMark Dilley, Lee Keelan, Ben Palmer, Danny Pearson58 
7thDavid Dunn, Steve Lowe, Alan Rice, John Ziaian58 
8thNeville D'Aranjo, Roy Desouza, Gary Small, Simon Willmett58 
9thMalcolm Bourne, Jerry Cusworth, Graeme Downes, Brian Parnell59 
10thBarry Adamson, Thomas Burke, Melvin Burrows, Gary Simmons59 
11thAndrew Coyne, Larry Coyne, Steven Coyne, Billy Judge60 
12thNick Barry, Sean Connors, Nigel England, Philip Quinn61 
13thMick Dowling, Mitchell Dowling, Kevin Dredge, David Perry61 

Competition in Progress

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Competition Fees:
  • £5.00 Per Member (Optional)
Open To: Men & Ladies
Current Entries: 52

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