Defining Boundaries
Fences, hedges, and white posts define the boundaries of the course.
Out of Bounds (Rule 18.2)
Out of bounds is defined by the line between the course-side points at ground level of white posts and fence posts. In addition, the following areas are defined as Out of Bounds.
3rd Hole: Left of the white posts.
4th/5th Holes: Practice ground as defined by white posts.
15th Hole: Over the ditch on the left over white posts. It does not apply to play on the 14th hole.
18th Hole: Area of Practice Putting Green as defined by white posts and on or over the path around the Clubhouse.
Penalty Areas – Rule 17
Penalty areas are marked with either yellow or red posts or lines.
Infinity Red Posts
1st Hole right of the fairway and the 10th Hole (Trinity boundary) is a red penalty area.
Players are advised to take a one-shot penalty of two club-lengths at the point of entry when possible. Penalty relief options under Rule 17 still apply.
10th Hole - Unplayable Ball
Any ball that lies between the blue posts and the Out of Bounds fence behind the 10th green and is deemed unplayable may be dropped, with a one-stroke penalty, in the nearest dropping zone. Note: Penalty relief options under Rule 19 still apply.
Movable Obstruction
150 Yard Markers are treated as movable obstructions. Rule 15.2.
Abnormal Course Conditions (including Immovable Obstructions) - Rule 16.1
All roads and paths on the course, even if not artificially surfaced, are treated as Immovable obstructions from which free relief is allowed under Rule 16.1.
All Fixed Sprinkler Heads are "Immovable Obstructions," and relief from interference may be taken under Rule 16.1b. In addition, interference also exists if an Immovable Obstruction is on the player's line of play, is within two club lengths of the putting green and is within two club lengths of the ball.
Drainage channels if they interfere with stance or ball lying on the channel.
TRACTOR MARKS - Deep ruts, not merely indentations, caused by machinery.
Fence at 13th/15th Hole: Treated as Immovable Obstruction.
Ground Under Repair (GUR)
It is designated by an encircling white line. If a ball lies in the area, relief must be taken not nearer the hole or the nearest dropping zone, or if the area interferes with stance or intended swing. Rule 16.1b